Wednesday, June 17, 2009

GCC inline stack allocation

Well, the overzealous stack allocation problem in my program is likely due to inline functions, because it can be fixed by disallowing them using -fno-inline. This causes the stack frame of my interpret function to shrink to 12 bytes from 44.

This is really quite horrible, because the functions I declared inline used no local variables. It's possible that gcc was inlining larger functions, so I'll have to check into that. What I'm reading indicates that GCC has difficulty re-using stack space for multiple inlined functions. If so, that sucks.

I'm guessing the long term solution will be to only allow GCC to inline functions that I specify.

I did some searching and apparently I'm not the first one with this problem:

Linux and GCC inline

From Linus: "Gcc inlining is a total and utter pile of shit."

I'll take his word for it, but my experience bears this out. I guess I'll be using macros instead.

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